
It's been a year. Light the candle.
I'm really looking forward to catching Al Gore's first movie, An Inconvenient Truth and book by the same title. Unfortunately, the Competitive Enterprise Institute may be ruining some of his fun.
CNN interviewed a doc who claims he can cure gayness. It's well worth the watch. Hopefully, this gayness disease doesn't spread. It has already infected most of San Francisco. Maybe the doc could go out there and put his talents to good use.
Not to be outdone by the AIDS genocide plot or the CIA plot to kill blacks by crack, President Bush has genetically altered the bird flu to spread from human to human. The first case has possibly been found in Indonesia, killing seven family members.
If you're in for a good chuckle, check out Dr. Mike Adams' Hate Mail Bag. It's filled with excellent rebuttals to the most unhinged comments and questions regarding his columns.
That's all. Not much for today.
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