Links Of The Day

The next terrorist attack may be on Denmark.
There was a Harriet in our soup ... so we sent her back to the chef. Coulter is does a jig to celebrate. (Props to Channel 5 for spelling her name wrong: Anna Coulter.)
iTheater is due to come out December 23rd. The program will allow you to stream photos, videos, and music to your entertainment center. I've been waiting for something like this for a while.
Big spending is the new trend. The San Francisco Mayor says wi-fi is a citizen's basic right. (San Jose just ok'd it with help from private businesses.) Oh, it gets better. Rep. Stevens wants to spend $3 billion to upgrade everyone's old tv to new digital-ready cable. Let's cut the pork, gentlemen.
Someone finally gets around to making a program for Windows that the Mac has come standard with for years. Always years behind. When will Microsoft learn?
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