Preach What You Practice
I spent a few days up in Albany, NY with some friends. It really was a great time and there were great discussions concerning politics and current events. (I got a good dose of C-SPAN and FoxNews.) Three proud democrats went back and forth with me for hours. We started talking about foreign and domestic policies. I noticed that one guy I was talking to had the same opinions as the conservative base. He was for immigration reform, tightened borders, personal responisbility, a traditional marriage, welfare reform, more money for veterans and troops, lower taxes, judges that don't legislate from the bench, more attention to our national defense, and he loved America. His core beliefs mirrored those of conservatives, but was a proud Democrat. His main grief was with Bush and the Iraq War. I though I had a potential flip. I have many problems with our current administrations, their actions, and their lack of, but my core values and policy beliefs keep me registered Republican.
I think there are many people out there that want the best for America and its traditional upbringing, but due to the well-publicized notion that Republicans hate blacks and the poor/working class, those that would be happy on the conservative side are turned away. My suggestion is for everyone take a look at the party that best reflects your personal views and open your eyes and mind. You have a lot more in common with conservatives and liberals than you know.
Many conservatives, like me, are not Republicans because we like the party, but because it is the party that suits us best. We defend it because we have taken a side. I do preach what I practice and continue to try and make the Republicans more conservative and less spend-thrift.
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