Quick Hits (Ike Turner Style)
I really could go for a good beer right now. I guess I can wait five-and-a-half months.
First, Current Events...
DailyKos is taking an informal poll of how Howard Dean is running the DNC. 84% of the 14,000 surveyed approve of the way he's doing his job. Wow. I suggest the man stick with his base's ideas. I'm sure that'll turn the White House blue in 2008. Those center votes are all his if he keeps up with the BushLied routine. *Please note the sarcasm* Don't forget Dean supports Code Pink.
Speaking of Code Pink. According to their co-founder, Iran really just needs a nice sit-down dinner at Red Lobster, and, oh, "North Korea has no nuclear weapons."
Let the straw polls begin! DailyKos has theirs. TownHall has theirs. Right now, Russ Feingold and George Allen are leading.
Those who have an appreciation for college professors should check out Mike Adams' new column. I couldn't stop laughing.
Man! God's pissed off again. This time, he's punishing Jews with the bird flu. This guy's got endurance like no other. Over the last year-and-a-half he's been pretty busy with Katrina, the tsunami, and gathering his minions (yes, I said minions) to picket near funerals of fallen servicemen. And to boot, everybody talks to him on his day of rest - Sunday. This guy needs a serious break.
Next, geekery...
So, you have an iPod. Wanna learn how to turn your packaging into a speaker? Of course you don't! But, some bored fool in Japan found a way. For 38 bucks, why not buy two!?
Last night, I knelt down next to my bed and said a prayer. "Oh, lord of the nerds, the great and honorable Steve Jobs. I thank you for everything you have done for the world. I only have one favor. Please put out an iPhone of some sort. You see, for years, I've had to carry around a cell phone, pocket organizer, iPod and wallet. Please free me and others from this excess baggage. Thank you, your Steveness. Amen." Well, the man/god must have heard our prayers. There's a 75% chance an "iPod with phone functions" will be released by the 4th quarter. And who says praying doesn't work!?
Finally, pictures...

Rich, Great to see your posting also interesting info. Thanks for posting a photo. Could you email us your address, so we can send you mail? Sorry we can't send beer, but we will have one for you. loving you mom
mwahahahh.. i hope that echoed in the area..
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