Thursday, March 2

Hot, Dry, & Sandy

I'm currently in Ft. Bliss, Texas, down near El Paso. How about more stuff I find interesting around the web?

A funny man in a bow tie (Tucker Carlson) lashed out at Arianna Huffington about some comments she made about a relationship between his father and Scooter Libby. He calls her a "nasty little propagandist." B-E-A-utiful.

Looking for a new workout? Try Condi's! She is well known for rising early every morning to keep in shape.

Unfortunately for Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan, one of their "freedom fighters", al Zarqawi's aide, was captured by U.S. forces. Fortunately, for people like her son, this may lead to a capture of the top al Qaeda and less coalition casualties.
TUAW is whining about Jobs' announcement on the 28th. 41% of readers thought it was mediocre and there was a 6% negative difference between those who found it a "huge dissapointment" versus those who read the announcement as "pretty cool." TUAW brought this on themselves. They get the readers all hyped up and feed the rumor mill. When the bus finally comes to town and Sammy Sosa steps off, people complain that it's not Derick Jeter. For those who haven't been following the nerdiness, Apple is trying out the HiFi thing and the Mac mini now comes with the Intel Core Duo.

I've just read that presidential candidate Harry Browne has passed on. This is very sad news for me. He was my first presidential nominee I supported (prior to being of age to vote). Here is where the libertarian stood on the issues. He will be remembered for a man striving to better America.

Malkin and Drudge are up in arms about Leftist high school teachers bashing Bush. Here's what one teacher said to his class:
"Who is probably the single most violent nation on planet Earth?! ... The United States of America! And we're a democracy. Quote-unquote."
Sorry, I'm just not surprised. Maybe if he had compared Bush to Hitler, Conservatives would be more justified in their shock. OH! But he did! Hmph... still not surprised. Please, will a professor out there please shock me? I haven't been taken aback since Ward Churchill of the University of Colorado at Boulder called the victims of 9/11 "little Eichmans."


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