Too Much To Drink
It's saturday night. I wrote about 5 pages of my "9/11 in America" paper then came home and watched Meet the Parents. I had a Honey Brown (one of my favorite beers) and two Liberty Ales. The wife came home at 7 and we went over to her parents' house to pick up some stuff and laundry. I had 3 Sam Adams with the mayor of Walton and we came back to the apartment. Now, it's ten o'clock and I'm lookin forward to Clinton talkin on my favorite TV day where the talking heads do their thing.
Cindy Sheehan crossed over the crazy line about a month ago when she denounced Isreal and the war in Afghanistan. Now, she's taken a 40 mile hike past the crazy line into loonyville and set up shop. A few days ago, she called for the pull out of troops from occupied New Orleans. I think the Left that hopped on her bandwagon for peace may now be regretting their actions.
Robert Byrd's legislation for Constitution Day is B.S.. I've been touring elementary and high schools in the last few weeks and they have implemented the mandatory teaching of the U.S. Consitution on or near 17 September. I stand ready to defend the document, but don't feel it should be mandatory to force public schools to teach it one day a year. It is also sad we have to implement legislation to teach our one-day-to-be voters about the document that provides us with the liberties, outline, and rules that make us the greatest nation in the world. (Can I say "greatest nation in the world"? Hey ACLU, com'n get me!)
My buddy Chris gets shipped off to Iraq on Tuesday. I wish him my best and hope he comes back a better man.
That's all for the Saturday Evening Post. Enjoy your day.
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