Where Has The Patriotism Gone?
Do you remember the flags? Do you remember the streets lined with Old Glory? Do you remember sweaters, clocks, stickers, buttons, hats, shirts, and anything else you could carry, wear, or put on display colored red, white, and blue?
It's hard, but think back. After September 11th, America rallied. We put aside our separate political agendas, our rudeness, and petty squabbles to gather behind Lady Liberty. Manufacturers of flags couldn't meet the demand of consumers. Wal-Mart said they sold more of Old Glory in one week than they had in the five previous years. Citizens of New York City did the unthinkable - they held doors, championed police, and some reports even claim eye contact was made in secluded areas. Uncle Sam finally had a fan base.
What happened? Where did the flag-wavers go? All of the flags, were they properly disposed of? When spring cleaning 2002 came around, was the banner that survived the winter frost no longer worthy of flying over green pastures or multi-family subdivisions?
Spring cleaning 2003 may have been the tipping point for the patriotic. The U.S. invasion of Iraq had rolled snake eyes in the search for weapons of mass destruction and our sons and daughters in arms were dying. The evening news ran the names and hometowns of GI's that brought the cost of war home to John and Jane Doe. Is that when the flags came down? Was that the reason? Did perceivingly poor decisions by America's leader symbolize everything that was America?
Sadly, when the flags fell, the America-bashing rose. Today, using scenes of a waving flag in a political commercial is taboo. Celebrities badmouth not only America, but the flag itself. Four-and-a-half years ago, if you flew the banner from a pickup truck, people would sympathize with those who have given so much for the freedoms we enjoy. Now, if you're caught with one, you're a redneck, or worse yet - a conservative. Where has it all gone? Has the nation decided that it's more appropriate to join the masses of war protesters than wear a "Don't Tread On Me!" shirt?
It seems now, the only way the heart of the good 'ole American spirit can be resuscitated is for thousands more to be slaughtered on our sacred soil. Pessimism doesn't drive this speculation, reality seems to. Whichever side you take in the political circles, it only seems appropriate - nay, dutiful - to wave Old Glory high above the hills so that those who wish to do us great harm will know: You can test our will, but you can never break our American spirit.

America forgets too easily all the things that has happened to her. We were attacked and will be attacked again, yet, instead of staying together (staying the course) showing that we are unified country, we'd rather fight about petty democrat and republican politics. We take down our yellow ribbons because the war happened so long ago.. wait, it's still going on! We say bring our troops home and bash their mission... why? because we are a fickle people. we are not like the Muslims who defend their faith and way of life literally to death. We forget, we move on, we go to the grocery we go to the movies and we forget the 3,000 who died on 9/11 we forget the soldiers who have died and those who will die fighting to let us forget, to not care, and to stay blind.
I've got one yellow ribbon on my car, and I just put up another.. call me redneck.. call me conservative.. But like the song says "we'll put a boot up their ass it's the American way".. I think we should get back to that...
I'm proud to say we have a hero in the Army and a wife, his best friend to stand tall while he shows his colors in Iraq. We display our flag at the top of our hill and at the entrance to our land with pride. We also display a big yellow ribbon on a tree at the bottom of our hill to remind those who pass it, we have Americans standing tall to keep us free. It does come with a price. Amy I so love that statement "we'll put a boot up their ass it's the American way"..
Thank you!
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