Wednesday, August 31

Katrina Relief

With over 100 dead, 80% of New Orleans underwater, 2.7 million people without power, and tens of thousands homeless along the Gulf Coast, it really is great to see businesses helping out when it's due.

Walmart donated $1 million to the Salvation Army stores in the area. Lowe's is matching consumer donations up to $1 million. GM is putting bills on hold for those effected by the 'cane.

There is one company that is troubling my thoughts. What may have meant to be a good deed seems like a free shot to get their name in the good Samaritan news. T-Mobile is offering free Wi-Fi at all hotspots in Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi. With 2.7 million people without power, I fail to see the great good it will do in the areas most effected. Perhaps a more appropriate way to be a good Samaritan would be to donate hard cash to the Red Cross.

Monday, August 29

CNN Weatherman Flips Out

You gotta see this.

Sunday, August 28

Gigunthra Laptop

Samsung has announced its monster of a laptop computer. At 19 inches, it has plenty to brag about, but good luck finding a case or backpack to carry it in. Sometimes, despite what Jenna Jameson says, it can be too big.

My Failed Attempt

I've been posting a lot of right-wing stuff lately, most likely designating me as a crazy Republican. Like I've told quite a few people, my dream is to be a U.S. Senator. Let me stray from my pro-war, anti-immigration, and tax-cutting punditry to explain why my attempt at becoming a Republican U.S. Senator of a red state will be ill-fated.

What will surely not get me the votes I need to even win a primary, on a legal level, I am mostly pro-choice. I don't believe that something growing inside of a woman the size of popcorn kernel should have the same rights as a fully-developed person. The government should not have the right to tell a woman to carry and deliver a baby whether she wants it or not. Conservatives want small government, but only in cases that apply to their political agenda. This is not to say Liberals don't. The morality of abortion I am on the other side of the fence about. If you feel your responsible enough to have intercourse, you should be responsible to carry the baby you and a man have made.

If that doesn't get me elected, this sure won't. I'm agnostic. This would have much effect on my votes in a Senate seat. I am against Creationism and do not believe intelligent design should be taught in public schools. (Although that is more of a constitutional question.) The constituents, for the most part, would see me as a man without values. That is because, as you all know, you can't have values without God. I do believe in good and bad and that values are very important in life and especially in a child's upbringing, but an opponent for a Senate seat would capitalize on my lack of faith.

I have two choices to make: Fake Christianity and support pro-life causes, or have hope the people of my red state will open their minds to a new type of Conservative. I have eight years to decide but I do have faith. My faith comes from John F. Kennedy. When everyone said a Catholic could not become President, he overcame adversity. Maybe I'll be the first pro-choice open agnostic to represent a red state as a Republican. I'll keep my eye on the prize.

Wedding Crashers Review

I finally got around to seeing Wedding Crashers last night. It started out funny, but not hilarious. Quick-witted one-liners were rampant and the plot was well-done. Two critiques. It seemed as if the first 10 minutes of the movie was just a longer trailer. What I thought was going to be a movie about guys crashing a lot of weddings turned into disapointment within the first 30 minutes. After that, it was all lovey-dovey plot. Next, (along with my wife) I have a problem going to see a raunchy comedy and end up watching a romantic comedy that ends up happy-go-lucky in the end. My wife and I are asking for more movies like Super Troopers and not Meet The Parents. 3.5/5 stars

Showdown in Crawford

With a population of just 700, the small town of Crawford, Texas is in for an even crazier media circus, along with a temporary boost in economy. Supporters of the war and President have made their way down to counter anti-war peaceniks along with media-hog Cindy Sheehan. My love for one-on-one political competition welcomes the fierce debates on make-shift stages by the two groups divided by a dirt road. Let the games begin!

Saturday, August 27

Walter Reed

Before I post the news and commentary, let me create a scenario that is appropriate.

You enlisted in the Marines 3 years ago to serve your country after terrorists attacked your country. After being in Iraq for 5 months, you are driving along and a roadside bomb explodes. Your right leg is blown clear off and shrapnel has damages 20 percent of your body, including your face. You say goodbye to your commrades and tell them you'll be coming back soon. After being airlifted and flown out of combat to Germany, you are told you will be taken to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in the U.S. After days of trauma, you arrive at the Medical Center to the greetings of protesters with signs that say "Maimed for Lies", "Enlist here and die for Halliburton", and "Support Our Troops, Bring Them Home".

No, my friends. This is not a fictitious tale from some weird Michael Moore fantasy dream. This is actually happening outside of Walter Reed. I am a big advocate for free speech and assembly. The legality of the protests should not be discussed. The morality of it should. Detesting the war, it's leaders, and the decisions made should be done on the steps of capital hill, outside the President's home, and outside the gates of the White House. We are rapidly entering the protest phase that Johnson and Nixon saw in the late 60's and early 70's. Protests will continue to escalate and become more anti-troop as time progresses. This is merely the beginning of what will rise to be another demeaning of U.S. troops.

To the protesters outside Walter Reed: Have some respect!

Walking Tall Review

I checked out Walking Tall from the library the other night. It stars the incredibly talentless The Rock. From his (lack of) acting talent, I can tell his head is as dense as his moniker. But... despite the bad action, lack of knowledge of military weapons, lack of fact in the judicial process, and horrible acting from Johnny (I'll let somebody hit me in the nuts with a hammer) Knoxville and The Rock, this movie was worth the check-out. I have other movies that I own that I love to hate. The most notable of those is Jurassic Park III. If you have nothing to do or need help recovering from depression, the laughable Walking Tall is a movie I suggest to heal your pain. 1.5/5 stars.

Another Stab At Our Executive Branch

I checked out Bush's Brain from the library the other day. I was expecting it to be an in-depth look at the job of Karl Rove an the Presidential Advisor. I should have figured it was another attempt at taking out our President at the knee caps. It reviewed Rove's early years and the trickery he excells in. Even though it tried to make the view see Bush as retarded and Rove as an evil mastermind, I saw Rove as something different. In the nasty game of politics, Rove is the man who helped Bush get to the top when money and name couldn't. Rove was the genius who got him there. The last quarter of the movie made a sharp turn from talking about Rove to a conspiracy about the war. I give Bush's Brain 2.5/5 stars. It was worth the pick-up from the library, but more accurate information can be found at Wikipedia.

Friday, August 26

Can You Support The Troops And Not The War?

We've all heard it. "I support the troops but not the unjust war." There are many varieties. Close family members of mine make the same claim. But is it possible to support the soldiers but not their mission? I don't believe you can. And that's just fine. All I ask is that you're honest about it. Would you support a serial killer, but not his actions? Our military is carrying out a mission given to them from above. They have the choice of taking the mission or not. Even if that altimatum is jail time. The anti-war folk have learned from the actions of their elders of the horrible treatment of Vietnam Vets. They don't want to be placed into the same crowd as those who spat on Vets and called them baby-killers. That is completely understandable. I wouldn't want to be placed in that crowd either. Those who say they support the troops, but not the war are doing their best to save face in this time of war. I don't believe that you can say to a soldier straight to his face that "I really like you as a soldier, but I don't like what you're doing." If you don't like what we're doing, don't support either. Just be honest about it.

Support the troops by supporting the mission.

Leftist Propaganda

Please excuse the delay in posts. I've been juggling work and school.

I just finished the book 50 Ways to Love Your Country by If to love means to attempt to overthrow your country, this book has it right on the nose. With ways such as Defy City Hall, Attend a Rally, and Support Clean Elections, you can guess what they're getting at. I didn't find the ways the leftist group attempts to love their country shocking at all. I didn't even find Nancy Pelosi's two cents shocking. OK. So nothing out of the book was shocking to me. It was more of the same old ultra-left crap you hear on Air America. What did sadden me was what was left out. A few of the ways I think people could love their country: Support Your President, Set Up a Family Readiness Group for a Local Military Reserve Unit, or (the best way to love your country) Enlist in the Armed Forces.

Tuesday, August 23

School Begins

Ah, another semester has begun. Bright and shiny faces show up early prepared to learn and soak up the knowledge our elders are enlightening us with. Little do the freshmen ("freshpersons" for you feminists) realize that nearly half will not finish one of the easiest semesters of your college career. Most will find freedom and use it to booze up or sleep in.

My 100 level history course is packed with post-high-school students. It will dwindle over the next two months and lose at least a quarter by mid-term. It looks like it will be a rather intense semester for me though. Arabic and Pre-Calculus seem dooming to my GPA. If I pull a 3.4 out of this semester, I won't gripe too much.

Pro-Troops, Anti-Sheehan

A group called Move America Forward is making its way accross half the country to proudly declare, "You don't speak for me, Cindy!" The patriotic group starts in California and will finish in Crawford, Texas meeting with Miss Sheehan. I found the great news of this group when I was watching the morning news. But it wasn't the running top story, but a small blip at about 15 minutes past the top of the hour. I don't anticipate our mainstream media giving the Move America Forward group the same coverage as the anti-war and anti-troop movement being led by Cindy Sheehan. What does this say about our media?

Monday, August 22

Reserve Drill

I neglected to blog this weekend because of the business of it. The unit (320th AG Co.) got a lot done this weekend. Mostly paperwork, but it has to be done. I am giving a great class next month on Coaching and Leadership Counseling. Next week I submit my packet for E-6. It goes before the board in September. Keep your eyes peeled for new posts.

Thursday, August 18

Clinton and Bush

Hindsight really is 20/20. We look back now on declassified documents and point fingers - who knew what, when, and how. The Left claims the August 6th Presidential Daily Brief is damning evidence that Secretary Rice and President Bush could have prevented 9/11. Now, the Right has their turn to put on their 20/20 goggles.

Newly declassified Clinton-era documents show the State Department had warned the Clinton Administration was warned of potential expand of radical Islam "well beyond the Middle East" five years before 9/11. Three separate times the State Department attempted to schedule meetingw with the administration but to no resolve. In March 1999, German intelligence officials gave the Central Intelligence Agency the first name and telephone number of Marwan al-Shehhi, and asked the Americans to track him. This is all on top of the Able Danger mess.

I'll try to look at this in the most objective way. There are differences in the two administrations handling of terrorism threats. First, there is the issue of time. Clinton was warned multiple times in 1996 and in the summer of the same year had an opportunity to take real action against the terrorists of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. He had been in office over three years, so adjustment is no excuse. After the warnings and attack in Saudi Arabia, Clinton had ample time (four years) to take action against radicals bent on hurting us. He launched a few missles, but did not take the war to them.

On the contrary, democrats and Michael Moore claim that had President Bush had read and followed up on the August 6th PDB, the whole 9/11 mess could have been prevented. The briefing was vague at best and only left a little more of a month to deter the attacks. Conservatives claim he was still adjusting to Presidential office, having just been inaugurated seven months prior.

Neither of the Presidents would allow such horrible murders to occur had they known. I am not declaring Clinton or Bush knowingly allowed any terrorist attack to be carried out. It is the policy that I am criticizing. Clinton was known for his diplomacy. I believe he truly felt sending men off to oust bin Laden would have "inconvenienced him" but would not stop the terrorist activities. This is true, but had he taken dramatic action toward the enemy, we may be in a better place. We would definitely be living in a completely different world. Bush's attempt at taking the war to the Muslim extremists and ousting leaders who support them is a much more confontational and controversial, but is quite more effective than launching a few missles into some camps and turning the other way.

I feel sorry for both Presidents. Attacks made by pointing fingers is not fair to the men that lead this country. I hope the Right doesn't sink as low as the Left and place total blame on Clinton. (Although, I'd place a bet they will ... as they have in the past.) Let's stick to criticizing policy and not attacking the men who really do want what is best for America. Even if we don't agree with their vision.

Former General Byrnes

For some odd reason, Lyonel on WCKY took pot-shots at former Gen. Byrnes. He said it was wrong for the former Army four star general to be releived and dismissed from the military. The full story is, Gen. Byrnes was months away from divorce and was separated from his wife when he was found to be dating another woman.

The policy is what Lyonel attacked, claiming that he shouldn't have been fired for dating. Although the policy may be considered strange and not up-to-date, it is still the policy of the Army. The general was dating another woman while he was married. If change in the policy is what you desire, write your elected officials and propose an intelligent argument for change. Taking cheap shots at a general in the military is not a way to go about change.

I suspect that it was a slow news night for the Left and Lyonel could only find this bit of news to talk about. It was right for the general to be dismissed because he broke a rule that is clearly stated. If change in the rule is needed for newer times, the general should have spoken to his congressmen, not disobeyed Army policy.

(Sorry if I'm all over the map, I've had a few in me.)

Wednesday, August 17

George and Franklin

In today's USA Today, Peter Schweizer adds his two cents about strategy and diversion similarities in the Iraq war and WWII. He compares the protesters of today's mission in Iraq to those who dissented against FDR's choice to conquer Germany before Japan as it was "not Germany that had attacked us at Pear Harbor." Conspiracies then were rampant as well, claiming FDR had known of Japan's dooming attack of Pearl harbor just as Bush had of NYC, Pennsylvania, and DC.

Schweizer brushes off the critics of the current war. "Grand strategy is not only about defeating enemies, but also defeating them in a sequence and a manner that leads to a favorable post-war situation. ... Bush, as FDR did, understands that only with political transformation will the post-war prospects for peace improve." The critics "are flawed in their thinking because they lack a grand strategy."

He continues with thought on pursuing with a noble mission. "...we cannot let tragic, tactical setbacks, like the recent deaths of 20 Marines from one unit, lead us to abandon the grand strategy. ... By ousting both Saddam and the Taliban, he has removed two important components of the worldwide terrorist movement."

"Bush's strategy is one that FDR would understand well."
What I hear so often is a simple solution to a complex problem. Whether it be suggesting that we pull all forces out or nuking it all, suggestions made by both proponents of the two simple strategies are neither well thought out nor productive. Staying the course will be bloody. It will be difficult. Lives will be lost. This does not mean that we should abandon the big picture for the sake of a few pieces of the grand puzzle. Before coming to the table with a solution, some thought is advised for all proposers to an end the war. FDR didn't let the critics get to him and neither should GW.

Tuesday, August 16

President's Pets

I've given up on reading Mo Rocca's All the President's Pets. I got about half-way through and was tired of the fiction. Some parts were humorous, but I was looking for a non-fiction book. Tales inside the book ranged from Mo visiting the Japanese Wolfe Blitzer, Hellen Thomas lived in the White House, and Ann Coulter got in a fist-fight with a coffee waitress. Others may have enjoyed it, but I believe there are some other books that more accurately describe the pets owned by our Commanders in Cheif. My next book will be's 50 Ways to Love Your Country. It's a quick read and it's a good idea to know your enemy.

Illegal Immigration 'Devastates' New Mexico

Following a slight crackdown of illegal immigration along the Arizona border, immigrants have begun illegally crossing the New Mexican border instead. Due to human smuggling, drug smuggling, kidnapping, murder, destruction of property and the death of livestock caused by illegal border-jumpers, the Governor of the southwestern state has declared a state of emergency. Governor Richardson has pledged $1.75 million for needed resources of Border Patrol agents and those defending our border from illegals. He has even gone as far as saying Mexico needs to "bulldoze the abandoned town of Las Chepas, which is directly over the border from Columbus."

I hope this declaration of a state of emergency will call federal attention to the serious immigration problem our country faces.

Monday, August 15

Bush Consoles Family Members

Family mebers of 33 GI's killed in Iraq met with President Bush for
some consoling words. They were separated into five private rooms where
Bush talked with each of the victim's families.

"Tell me about Mike," he said immediately. "I don't want my husband's death to be in vain," she told him. The president apologized repeatedly for her husband's death. When Owen began to cry, Bush grabbed her hands. "Don't worry, don't worry," he said, though his choking voice suggested that he had worries of
his own. The president and the widow hugged. "It felt like he could have been my dad," Owen recalled to NEWSWEEK. "It was like we were old friends. It almost makes me sad. In a way, I wish he weren't the president, just so I could talk to him all the time."

Bush has met with about 900 families of 270 soldiers and requests to speak with family members that have lost a soldier when he visits military bases, which he does about ten times a year.

The President, when meeting with family members said, "I will never feel the same level of pain and loss you do. I didn't lose anyone close to me, a member of my family or someone that I love. But I want you to know that I didn't go into this lightly. This was a decision that I struggle with every day."
Is this the same heartless crook that took us to war for oil? The same one that Michael Moore shows as having no concern for the poor or working class? I think not! Our President is a man with moral principles and a man of honor. He sticks by his decisions, but also shows humility and empathy when his decisions have effect on the people he leads.

Farrakhan Hops On Racist Bandwagon

This week at a conference in Milwaukee, Louis Farrakhan sided with Mexico's President when the head of state said that Mexican immigrants take jobs that not even blacks want. Farrakhan voiced his opinion, "Why are you so foolishly sensitive when somebody is telling you the truth?"

Even the craziest of the black leadership, Revs. Jackson and Sharpton condemned President Fox's remark.

The foolish statement made by the president not only belittle's his Mexican people, but blacks as well - Implying that blacks will take almost any job, but are above the ones that Mexican immigrants take.

Shame on you, Farrakhan.

Sunday, August 14

Many Thanks

Many thanks to one of my favorite podcasters, Shelley the Republican. She has posted a link on her blog to mine along with many kind words.

"I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Rabbit"

A man faced an Australian court yesterday charged with having sexual relations with a rabbit and the sadistic killing of 17 other rabbits whose carcasses were found dumped in a lane. A plea has not been entered for the 21 charges against North Sydney resident Brendan McMahon.

Side Note: The rabbit is undergoing extensive psychological therapy and has not made a statement on whether it will testify against Mr. McMahon. It is currently in stable condition and is said to be "enjoying carrots." Let's all keep the rabbit in our prayers and hope for a speedy recovery.

One other question: Were the fuck is PeTA!?!

Crazy Mom Goes Insane

I don't think I'm the only one tired of Cindy Sheehan and her anti-troop movement down in Texas. She is now calling for Bush's impeachment and for "America [to get] out of Iraq and Isreal out of Palestine." According to her, that is how you "stop the terrorism." Icing on this already loony-layered crazy cake is her declaration that she will not pay taxes for 2004.

Other family members of her heroic son have spoken against her protest. Michelle Malkin is claiming her husband has had enough of the nonsense as well and is filing for divorce. Even a blogger in Iraq has written an open letter to her.

The attention on her and the one-hundred others camping out in Texas by the media is not surprising but very disturbing. They legitimize her protest and bring out the V-word, "Vietnam," comparing her protest to those of the 1970's.

I have already let my wife know of my wishes: If for some reason I am killed in combat and a friend or family member uses my death to push their anti-war political agenda, she will do her best to speak out opposing them and let the world know I was for the troops and for the war.

McCain '08

HeavyM on has posted reasons it is not in the best interests of the Right to have McCain represent the Republicans in the '08 election. Here are a few examples of how the Arizona Senator's opinions and previous votes won't be picked up well by the far and moderate right.

What about the bedrock issue of gun control? McCain voted in favor of a bill that would require storage or safety locks on all handguns prior to their sale or transfer.

Tort reform? McCain voted against a class action lawsuit reform bill, and the bill ended up being defeated by a count of 44-43.

Unemployment benefits? McCain joined just 38 other (democratic) senators in voting to extend unemployment benefits for an additional 13 weeks.

Health care? McCain has said he favors universal health insurance.

School vouchers? McCain has repeatedly voted against them.

Affirmative action? McCain voted in favor of a bill setting up quotas for women and minority races.
He also compares McCain's votes to former Senator John Kerry's. Based on what I've seen of McCain, I am sticking by my Rice/McCain '08 rally call.

*UPDATE: He did not help himself politically this morning on Fox News Sunday where he said he had "no confidence" in Donald Rumsfeld. Ouch! Say goodbye to that Oval Office seat.

Company Of Heroes

If you haven't checked the special on FoxNews out yet, make sure you do. It's called 'Company of Heroes' and documents the battle for Fallujah where we killed and captured more than 1500 terrorists and insurgents. 71 soldiers and marines gave their lives for the cause.

It doesn't matter the way you say it, OORAH! or HOOAH!, it's still a pat on the back for the bravest of the brave.

Best Article Yet

Ann Coulter has delivered her best article yet. She hits on the information that is not broadcasted throughout the MSM: 47 months without a terrorist attack on U.S. soil, 50,000 insurgents captured, and we're screening little old ladies in the subways so we don't hurt an Arab's feelings.

What WMD's?! THESE WMD's!

1,500 gallons of chemicals have been found in Saddam's former backyard, Mosul. U.S. troops, while on a raid, discovered the weapons factory. This may open up investigations to the accusations that Iraq was making chemical weapons prior to 2003.

*UPDATE: WaPo reports that the chemical weapons factory was started following the war in 2003. Others are speculating that there more throughout the mideast, including Iraq.

Saturday, August 13

Podcast One, OFFENSIVE!?!

In an attempt to expose more people to politics, the White House has created their very own podcast. It comes out once a week with the Presidential Weekly Radio Address. What's shocking isn't that a man who doesn't use e-mail is getting hip with a podcast, but iTunes has labeled the podcast 'explicit'. I am somewhat offended that the Presidential podcast is labeled 'explicit', but a podcast bordering on sedition, Air America, gets off without a scratch. As much as I love Apple, somebody needs to make a correction - not just on their iTunes website, but in their political agenda.

*UPDATE: This podcast is a parody. The official Weekly Radio Address podcast is not labeled explicit. So I was wrong - shoot me.

Thursday, August 11

Senate Discussion On Arlington Rules

Senate committee members are currently reviewing the rules of burial for Virginia's Arlington National Cemetary. The big issue on hand is whether a convicted murderer should be able to be placed in the cemetary. Army Times has more:
Russell Wayne Wagner, 52, a Vietnam War-era veteran, died Feb. 7 of a heroin overdose in prison. In 2002, he was convicted of the Valentine’s Day 1994 murders of Daniel Davis, 84, and Wilda Davis, 80, and was sentenced to two consecutive life terms. The victims were found bound and stabbed in their home in Hagerstown, Md.
Some are saying that upholding the 1997 law of prohibiting people convicted of federal or state capital crimes and sentenced to death or life imprisonment without parole from being buried at Arlington and other military cemetaries will keep convicts such at Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh from being placed in a national cemetary.

Veterans groups are saying that upholding the law could exclude too many veterans from military cemetaries.
The honorable service of a combat or non-combat veteran should never be forgotten. Arlington, as well as other military cemetaries are burial grounds of heroes. Here is my proposal for the Senate. With the effects of war playing immediate and long-term effects on the emotional and psychological self of the veteran, if the capital state or federal crime that results in a conviction of a life term or the death penalty can be directly attributed to the mental trauma of that combat veteran, it is in the best interests of the nation to take some credit for his medical condition and honor his service by allowing the placement of his remains in a military cemetary. If by jury or judge it can not be found the veteran's crime can be directly linked to the trauma caused by combat, his rights to burial in a military cemetary should be stricken.

LiveJournal Interaction

A friend of mine posted this on his LiveJournal:

1. Reply with your name and I will write something random about you.
2. I will then tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. I will pick a flavor of jello to wrestle with you in.
4. I will say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. I will tell you my first memory of you.
6. I will tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll then ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your LJ.

I replied with my name and this was his reply:

1. of all my friends, you've changed the most over the years.. and that's not a bad thing.
2. propaghandi - ska sucks
3. Green Apple
4. "nut cruncher" video game
5. my first day at villa i walked into the cafeteria where everyone waited befor class started and you were the only person that i'd ever seen before so i sort tried to sit by you but everyone else started talking to me cause i was the new kid.
6. a bat you still like video games?
I still like video games, but not as much as I used to.

Microsoft Set To Dethrone Apple

Head of Microsoft's Digital Media Division, Erik Huggers says, "Come this fall there is going to be a number of devices that get close to competing with Apple's iPod, there is going to be a whole lineup of products that can compete with Apple in industrial design, usability, functionality and features."

A Jupiter Research Analyst says that it will take a lot to knock Apple off of their iPod laden throne, but it can be done if Microsoft does it right.
People around the blogs were worried that Sony's PSP would have an effect on iPod sales as it is a game machine along with a media player. The stocks haven't seen the effect of the PSP and neither have I. I see people in the airport with PSP's, but using iPod headphones. They most likely have both rivaling media players. I doubt Microsoft will have what it takes to put a scratch into Apple's marble throne.

Words to Microsoft: Bring it on!

Wednesday, August 10

WiFi Trespassing

Lock me up. I am guilty of using somebody else's internet connection. While on the way home from work one night, I checked to see how many networks I could access on my 10 minute drive through residential areas. I was able to access about 8 or 10, one of which was a peer-to-peer network.

Internet piggy-backing is a growing trend, especially in crowded places like New York City. The legality of it is foggy at best but chances are it will be decided illegal by judges within the next year or so. Until it's illegal, I'll milk it for what it's worth.

Game Over

Well, actually the video game didn't kill him; the lack of eating, drinking, and sleep over a period of 49 hours did. Doctors later confirmed he had a heart attack while playing Starcraft.

I sure hope it was worth it.

New Words You Were Afraid To Use, But Couldn't

The Oxford Dictionary of English has added a slew of new words to their famous book. Even a formerly ebonic word is included, "boo." Here are some others:


Tuesday, August 9

Upcoming Shows

To make up for Say Anything and Something Corporate cancelling their shows due to illness, other shows are around the corner that will surley be entertaining:

Henry Rollins Spoken Word: October 29th in Cincy
The New Amsterdams: October 30th in Philly
Say Anything (with Saves the Day): sometime this fall

Should be fun.

Jennings R.I.P.

This is a bit harsh for my taste.

Boost In Troops

I hope I'm part of this expected troop boost. Unfortunatly, it looks as if the 4th ID and 101st Airborne are being called up again.

Good luck, fellas.

Close, But No Cigar

Yesterday, Bush signed a new energy bill that provides fewer environmental and economic benefits than people were hoping for. That is, of course, if people actually paid attention to the actually energy bill happenings. The biggest benefit supporters are talking about is a minimal extension of the daylight-saving time by four weeks starting in 2007. Rep. Upton (R-Mich) comments on the great benefit it has on the entire country, "Isn't it nicer to go home with the sun from work, with the sun still out a little bit instead of facing the dark way out all the way home? So yeah, I think we're better off."

Other benefits effect smaller towns more than it does the entire nation. Louisiana supporters say that the bill will provide more local jobs, new fuel options, cleaner-burning coal and the next generation of nuclear reactors.

Despite the plusses, one negative that could have easily be turned into the contrary is our dependence on oil and the high price of it. Since many Americans can actually see how much they are affected financialy by the price at the pump, it would have been in the best interest of the White House do deny the bill until our Congress gets it right. Corrections could have been made by providing tax cuts for businesses who provide alternative means for power and those who invest or use those alternative means. Throwing a substantial ammount of cash at companies that are trying to start up those alternative measures in the form of federal grants would also have been appreciated by me and the citizens.

You see, with the public, it's not what you do, it's what it looks like your doing. Whether you throw a little or a lot of federal money toward a cause that helps the public in the long run, it not only helps the country and their dependence on oil, but it gives more support to your administration.

But, don't worry if by March 2007 the Department of Energy finds that the savings are not substantial, they'll repeal the bill and will have spent countless hours and days for nothing.

Monday, August 8

The Traitor Has A Seat Held In Tikrit

We're holding you're
regular seat
in Tikrit

Crazy Mom Protests Against Son's Noble Fight

Crazy mom, Linsay Sheehan is protesting outside President Bush's Texas ranch while he is on his five-week working vacation. She blames Bush for killing her son and demands to know what the noble cause [for us being in Iraq] is. She also believes that if the "cause is so noble" he should enlist his two daughters into the military to serve in Iraq.

Ok. I have a few problems with this woman, along with others that support the troops but have no support for the cause. Like so many others in America, we only know what we are told. We are not informed of the great strides we are making towards building a nation of global respect and democracy. The mainstream media only reports on the scandals, deaths, and lack of support which contributes to more believing that the cause for our liberation of Iraq is not respectable. If she heard more of the good things that are taking place in Iraq or did some brief research, she would learn that our presence is necessary to the people of Iraq and America.

Next, she, like Michael Moore, called on the President to enlist his daughters in the military if it was such a good cause. I think she fails to realize that the President, like other fathers does not control the actions of his offspring. The Bush twins are their own people and made the decision themselves not to enlist in the military. This attack on our President is uncalled for and shows the complete ignorance of the Ms. Sheehan.

Support our troops by supporting their mission.

UPDATE: The Drudge Report has an article showing how the crazy mom changed her story from supporting the President to degrading him.

J.K. Rowling's Unusual Fans

According to the Washington Times, Detainees in Guantanimo Bay, Cuba are requesting Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince over any other book to read. At least their religion permits this book of fantasy, unlike others.

Anti-U.S. Journalism

It boggles my mind how we're supposed to make a difference in the hearts and minds of the Middle Eastern citizens if these are the headlines on

Unity in U.S. anti-war movement
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The worst terror attacks
Will the U.S. ever leave Iraq?
U.S. foreign interventions since 1940s- Part II
“Do Americans really enjoy freedom?”

The A-Bomb Revisited And Remembered

Here is an article on the brave men who carried out the action that helped end World War II. It's worth the read. Take a look.

And here.

Kudos to these honorable men.

Sunday, August 7

Sunday Morning

3 cheers for the Brits who rescued the Russian submarine trapped underwater.

"Starting in February, any school with a nickname or logo considered racially or ethnically 'hostile; or 'abusive' by the NCAA would be prohibited from using them in postseason events."
-Have we reached a new low? Let's fork over our love of brutal competition for the sake of political correctness.

"A federal appeals court Tuesday struck down the exclusive Kamehameha Schools' policy of admitting only Native Hawaiians, saying it amounts to unlawful racial discrimination."
-Great ruling. Equality needs to be enforced on both ends. I am still confused as to why sexual segregation in schools is legal, yet racial segregation is not.

Saturday, August 6

Network Complete

As I celebrate my one year anniversary with my wife, I am pleased to announce that I finally set up the wireless network. Everything in the apartment is set up to my stringent desires. Another task accomplished.

Friday, August 5

Soldier Punished For Blog Post

An Arizona National Guardsman serving in Iraq has been demoted for posting classified information on his Internet Web log, an Army official said Monday.

Leonard Clark, 40, was demoted from specialist to private first class and fined $1,640, said Col. Bill Buckner, a spokesman for the Multi-National Corps-Iraq.


This goes to show that when blogging in combat it is very important to know what to post and what not to. The soldier was given an appropriate punishment and should be lucky he got off as light as he did. Compromising the safety and morale of our troops in combat is not to be taken lightly.

Wednesday, August 3

New Book

I saw a book last night that really peaked my interest on Hannity & Colmes. It's called The Fairtax Book. It cuts out a lot of bologna that is making lawmakers and the rich folks richer and richer. I haven't read it, but looks like a great alternative to our current tax system. It seems to be at the heart of capitalism. The one point Mr. Bortz hit on that I liked was no tax for the poor. I'll keep you updated. The new book by Rick Santorum follows Mo Rocca's.

Man Pays Speeding Ticket In Pennies

Sometimes rebellion can be funny.

Ohio 2nd District Special Election

I was never fond of Kerry running on his military service record. Just because someone served in the military does not make them a better candidate for any position in our government. Yet, that is what Paul Hackett ran on in his race for Congress against Jean Schmidt. In all the ads he approved, his stance on issues were not mentioned. I appreciate this man's service to his country, but he might have earned a little more respect in last night's squeaker had he run on policy rather than his honored military service.

My 100th Blog Post

I've thought for a while what I should do for my 100th blog post. Despite the effort, I've come up with nothing worth posting. So, I will continue with my normal esoteric ramblings.

I have given up on What's the Matter With Kansas for two reasons: it was dry and it was written buy a man who writes for The Nation magazine. It just wasn't worth my time. In lieu, I have picked up All the President's Pets by Mo Rocca. Pretty funny so far and looks promising.

I have been watching a lot of Bullshit!, a show on Showtime hosted by Penn & Teller. Good stuff that follows the same lines as most of my beliefs.

A guy walking through the airport today had on a Che Guevara shirt. I approached him and asked why he was wearing it. He said that he just liked the shirt. I don't think he understood who the man was. It's sad, really.

Happy 100th to me.

Tuesday, August 2

Vacation Pictures

A beautiful beach.
Another great view of our empty beach.
And another.
The wife and I.

Our sand fortress. The one above is the last picture I took on St. John.

Monday, August 1

HP and Apple File for Divorce

Last year, Carly Fiorina of Hewlett Packard joined Apple in branding iPods with the HP logo on the back. It was a good idea and brought in a slight bit more revenue. Because HP's motto is "invent", she was let go as she was not putting the HP name on newly invented products. Things then went downhill for the partners in technology. HP has recently decided to bail on the iPod idea and rumor is they will cease bundling iTunes with their computers in 2006.

A big middle finger goes out to management and their decisions to can Carly and discontinue a good thing with Apple.

Fittest President In History

After my 8.5 mile run today, (I walked about 1.5 miles of it) I think It's deserving to give credit to G.W. as the fittest president in history.